Adult Ministries


Everyone who loves Jesus seeks to follow Him. We do that best together in smaller groups (it’s the model Jesus used). Each year we offer intentional discipleship opportunities to grow in three key areas:

1. Our relationship with God

2.Our knowledge of God

3.How our growing maturity shapes our everyday lives through our attitudes and actions.


We teach people of all ages how to cultivate an intimate and dependent relationship with God in prayer. As we do we learn to recognise and trust His voice.


When we gather together with Christ in common then we experience fellowship together. Here are some of the many opportunities that are on offer for social engagement.

Men’s and Women’s Ministry

We teach people of all ages how to cultivate an intimate and dependent relationship with God in prayer. As we do we learn to recognise and trust His voice.

Get involved

Join one of the groups or offer to volunteer to help serve others on one.